Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Arauca department

It is located on the west part of Colombia. It limits with Venezuela (its border is the Arauca river) and with the Vichada, Casanare and Boyacá departments. It is also 23 818 square kilometers, wich means the 2.1% of the whole Colombian area. The population is from almost 300 000 people. It is divided into 7 municipalities.

The most important rivers in Arauca flow from west to east. The important rivers are the Arauca and the Casanare.

The principal activities are the ranching and oil extraction. The ELN guerilla isn't good for the last mentioned because they destroy pipelines. The cultivation of the cocoa and banana is also important for the economy of the department.

As I said before almost 300 000 people live in Arauca. 93% are mestizos and white people. The other 7% are black people and natives. You can find 7 native tribes on the department. They biggest one of the has 1200 members.

The Cocuy:
On the western part of the department, you can find one of  the most beautiful Colombian national parks.  I will tell more about it on future posts.

This was today's blog post, I know it wasn't as big as others, but there is not a lot to tell about this department.

Well, that was today's post, if you want more follow the blog on twitter or like it on facebook. You can also support the blog via here. (why does colombia4u need support?).

Friday, November 6, 2015

The Antioquia department

Located on the northwest of the country, it is the 6th biggest department in Colombia with almost
63000 square kilometers. almost 7 million people live here, almost the dame amount than in the capital city. The capital is Medellín, the second biggest and most important city in Colombia.
The climate:
The location and the western and central mountain ranges (to learn more about relief check out this blog post) make the climate as it is. Depending mostly on the height, the climate can get very hot (lowlands in Urabá) or very cold (páramo of Sonsón). Another important fact that could change the climate is the vegetation. The more thick it is the more humid it gets. 

Important Cities:
The number at the right of the name is the population of the city.

  1. Medellín (2.464.323)
  2. Bello (455.865 )
  3. Itagüí (267.851)
  4. Envigado (222.455)
  5. Apartadó (178.257)
  6. Turbo (159.268)
  7. Rionegro (120.249)
  8. Caucasia (112.168)
  9. Caldas (77.847)
  10. Chigorodó (76.202)
Antioquia is the second richest department in Colombia with 15% of the total GDP of the whole country. It is the department with most exportation, even in 2005 Antioquia has the 25% of the countries exportation. Today the department has important sectors of technology like software developing. The agriculture plays also an important role. It produces lots of coffee and banana. 

Because Antioquia is surrounded by mountains it was isolated through the colonial time, this gave Antioquia a unique personality represented by his culture. In another blog post, I will tell you more about the paisas, the people that live in Antioquia famous for his love to their land and hard work.

One of the most important plates in Colombia comes from Antioquia. It is called, "La Bandeja Paisa"wich translated would be "the paisa tray". It has red beans, meat, arepa (some kind of colombian mais bread), chorizo (some kind of colombian sausage), egg and avocado. It is really big but tasty, I would recomend it to you. Some other plates are the sancocho, a soup, the mazamorra, a dessert or the empanda, an appetizer.

Well, that was today's post, if you want more follow the blog on twitter or like it on facebook. You can also support the blog via here. (why does colombia4u need support?).

Monday, November 2, 2015

The amazonas department

It is one of the 32 Colombian departments and is located on the south part of the country. With a surface of 109 655 square kilometers. It's territory is mostly jungle. The capital of this department is Leticia. 

The department has a population of about 80 000 people. It isn't much considering that it is the biggest department and that Leticia, it's capital has a population of about 40 000 people. As I said before this is because the department is mostly jungle and the population of it is mostly of different native tribes. You can find nine of these: 
  1. Ticuna
  2. Huitotos
  3. Yaguas
  4. Cocama
  5. Yucunas
  6. Mirañas
  7. Matapíes
  8. Boras
  9. Muinanes

The economy of the department is based on the extraction of wood, rubber and chicle, the fishing and farming plays also and important role. The green tourism is very famous in this department. 

Because building streets in this department are very difficult you can just fly to Leticia and move through the department through riverways. 

Well, that was today's post, if you want more follow the blog on twitter or like it on facebook. You can also support the blog via here. (why does colombia4u need support?).

Friday, October 30, 2015

Administrative divisions of Colombia

Colombia is a centralist country, that means that the capital, Bogotá manages everything and that the government of every state from the central government depends. That is the reason why the states are called departments. There are 32 departments:

1. Amazonas 12. Chocó 23. Putumayo
2. Antioquia 13. Córdoba  24. Quindío
3. Arauca 14. Cundinamarca  25. Risaralda
4. Atlantico 15. Guainía 26. San Andrés y Providencia
5. Bolívar 16. Guavira 27. Santander
6. Boyacá 17. Huila  28. Sucre
7. Caldas 18. La Guajira 29. Tolima
8. Caquetá 19. Magdalen 30. Valle del Cauca
9. Casanare 20. Meta  31. Vaupés
10. Cauca 21. Nariño 32. Vichada
11. Cesar  22. Norte de Santander

Every department (except Bogotá, which is also a municiple) are divided into municiples. Every municiple is ruled by a mayor and a council. There are a total of 1123 municiples. 

Well todays post wasn't so big but it is important that you know that. It is a base to understand how Colombia is organized.

Well, that was todays post, if you want more follow the blog on twitter or like it on facebook. You can also support the blog via here. (why does colombia4u need support?).

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Colombian hydrographie

Colombia is one of the countries with most rivers in the world, with a total of. In this blog post i will talk about the most important ones, the Magdalena, the Cauca, the Guaviare, the Putumayo, and the Caquetá rivers. I will not talk about the Amazon river because Colombia just own some few kilometers.

The Magdalena river:
It is the principal river in Colombia with 1589 km (949 miles). It is considered the most important one, not because of its length, but because it goes through a lot of departaments and is located in the middle of the country (as you can see on the left map). It is navigable from Honda to the Caribbean sea. 

The Cauca river:
It is the second biggest waterway in Colombia. It lies between the central and the western mountain ranges (for more information about relief check this post). It also goes through seven colombian departments. It joins the Magdalena River near Magangué and the combined river flows into the Caribbean sea. It is navigable for 640 km (400 miles).

The Guaviare river:
It is a long river that starts in the eastern mountain range and falls into the Orinoco river. It also goes through Venezuela. 630 km are navigable.

The Putumayo river:
It starts in Colombia and flows into the Amazon river in Brazil. It is the border between Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. it is 1.813 km long (1.126 miles). It is an important fluvial transport way, because it is navigable in almost its whole lenght. 

The Caquetá River:
It is a long amazonian river with 2.280 km (1416 miles). It goes through Colombia and Brazil, here I will obviously about the colombian part, It goes mostly through the cauca department. It is the natural Border between two departments (I will talk about colombian departments in another blog post). 

Well, that was todays post, if you want more follow the blog on twitter or like it on facebook. You can also support the blog via here. (why does colombia4u need support?).

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Colombian relief

Colombian relief
Colombia is very biodiverse, which gets also represented on the Colombian relief. In Colombia you can find different kinds of reliefs. Mountains, plains and valleys.

The Andes mountains:
They start in Argentina and end in Venezuela, in Colombia these mountains enter through the south on the border with Ecuador. Then they get divided into three, the western, the middle and the eastern part.

The western Part:
The place where it starts is called el nudo de los pastos and the place where it ends is called el nudo de paramillo. This mountain range has an extension of 1200 km (745 miles) with an average height of 2000m. Its highest place is 4750m (15500 ft) above sea level and it’s called the Chile volcano.
The middle Part:
It starts in el nudo de los pastos too, but it ends on the Caribbean plane. It has an extension of 1000 km (620 miles) and has an average height of 3000m. You can also find heights of 5000 m over sea level, like el Nevado del Huila or the Galeras volcano. This mountain range is very productive and it is where most of the coffee of the land gets produced.
The eastern Part:
It is the longest one with an extension of 1200km, being geologically the youngest and the widest one. It starts on the Macizo Colombiano and ends in the Guajira peninsula.  It is important to say that the Colombian capital, Bogotá is located here. The highest place is el nevado del cocuy being 5380 m above the sea level.

The inter-Andean valleys
They divide the mountain ranges and are accompanied by rivers that normally generate them. In Colombia, these valleys are very fertile and are very productive. The are three important valleys, the Magdalena, the Cauca and the Atrato ones.

The plains represent 67% of the country. The whole western zone and some of the north and eastern zones of the country are plains. You can find 4 important plains in Colombia:
The Amazon plains
It is located between the Guaviare river, The Amazon river, the eastern mountain range and Brazil. It has an area of 380000 km2 where you mostly find tropical rainforests. Because of this it is full of rivers. This is also one of the most biodiverse zones of the whole planet.
The Pacific plains
It is just 83170 km2 and it extends from the Urabá gulf to the border with Ecuador. It isn’t very useful for farming, but you can find different species of plants and animals.
The Caribbean plains
They are 142.000 km2 big and it extends form the foothill of the three mountain ranges (the eastern, the middle and the western part) to the Atlantic coast.

Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta:
Located near the Caribbean coasts and with a triangular pyramid form has a surface of 17000 km2. The north side limits against the Caribbean Sea, being this the highest mountain to limit with the sea. Its highest peak (called Cristobal Colón) is also the highest peak in Colombia, being 5700 m (18700 ft.) over the sea level.

In Colombia you will find different types of heights, from the sea level to 5700 m.

Well, that was todays post, if you want more follow the blog on twitter or like it on facebook. You can also support the blog via here. (why does colombia4u need support?).

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Climate of Colombia

There are four main climate zones in Colombia. The tropical rainforests, the savannas, the deserts and the mountain climate. This last one can be also divided into five sub-zones. The hot land, the temperate land, the cold land, the páramo and the glacial land.

The tropical rainforests:
They are very humid with heavy rainfalls. The temperature is mostly between 25 and 30°C (77 and 86°F).

The savannas:
They are semi humid and have a rainy and a dry season. The temperature here doesn't vary much, it is always between 24 and 27°C (75 and 80°F).

The deserts:
There are 2 famous deserts in Colombia. The Tatacoa and the Guajira desert. Both are like everywhere in the world, very dry and very hot. The temperature during theday goes between 30 and 40°C (86 and 104°F)

Mountain climate
The mountain climate zone gets divided into 5 sub-zones:

Hot land
Located between the sea level and 1000m (3300 ft.). The temperature is always over 24°C (75.2°F).

Temperate Land

Located between 1000 and 2000m (3300 and 6500 ft.). The temperature varies between 17 and 24°C (50 to 62.6°F). On the left you can see Medellín, am important city that is located on this climate zone.

Cold land

Between 2000 and 3000m (6500 and 9800 ft.). The temperature is always between 10 and 17°C (50 and 62°F). The image on the left is Bogotá, the colombian capital. It is located at 2600m above sea level. This means it isn't really warm there.

It is maybe the most important climate zone, because 70% of the countries water gets produced here. It is located between 3000 and 4000m (9800 and 13100 ft.) and the temperature is always below 15°C.

Glacial Land
Over 4000m (13100ft.) it is already glacial zone. It is the coldest one with temperatures below 10°C. Because of this extreme conditions nothing lives there.

Well, that was todays post, if you want more follow the blog on twitter or like it on facebook. You can also support the blog via here. (why does colombia4u need support?).

Friday, October 23, 2015

Location of Colombia

Many people refeer to the U.S.A as "America". Well, that is wrong. The U.S.A is the U.S.A. and not America. There are actually 35 countries in this countinent, and one of them is Colombia.

Colombia is located on the northwest part of south America. Colombia is also the 26th largest country in the world and the fourth biggest one in south America, after Brazil, Argentina and Peru. 

Its limits are: 
  1. On the north, the Guajira Peninsula
  2. On the east the orinoco river
  3. On the south the Amazon Jungle
  4. On the west the Oacific Ocean and Panama
Colombian limits
Colombian limits

It is also important to say that Colombia borders 5 countries (more than the U.S.A):
  1. Venezuela on the east
  2. Brazil on the southeast
  3. Peru on the south
  4. Ecuador on the southwest
  5. Panama on the northwest
The equator goes also through Colombia, wich gets represented on the climate. 

Well, that was todays post, if you want more follow the blog on twitter or like it on facebook. You can also support the blog via here. (why does colombia4u need support?).