Friday, October 30, 2015

Administrative divisions of Colombia

Colombia is a centralist country, that means that the capital, Bogotá manages everything and that the government of every state from the central government depends. That is the reason why the states are called departments. There are 32 departments:

1. Amazonas 12. Chocó 23. Putumayo
2. Antioquia 13. Córdoba  24. Quindío
3. Arauca 14. Cundinamarca  25. Risaralda
4. Atlantico 15. Guainía 26. San Andrés y Providencia
5. Bolívar 16. Guavira 27. Santander
6. Boyacá 17. Huila  28. Sucre
7. Caldas 18. La Guajira 29. Tolima
8. Caquetá 19. Magdalen 30. Valle del Cauca
9. Casanare 20. Meta  31. Vaupés
10. Cauca 21. Nariño 32. Vichada
11. Cesar  22. Norte de Santander

Every department (except Bogotá, which is also a municiple) are divided into municiples. Every municiple is ruled by a mayor and a council. There are a total of 1123 municiples. 

Well todays post wasn't so big but it is important that you know that. It is a base to understand how Colombia is organized.

Well, that was todays post, if you want more follow the blog on twitter or like it on facebook. You can also support the blog via here. (why does colombia4u need support?).

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